I Don’t Wanna [Insert Undesirable Activity]

Hello, neighbors!  I look like like shit right now.  I'll own it. Well, technically that was on Halloween, when we got a snowstorm here in Chicago.  HO HO HO.  In any case, I'm gonna launch into Whiny Adolescent Mode, because I need to vent, and that's the easy way to do it.  This is why … Continue reading I Don’t Wanna [Insert Undesirable Activity]

So Much Mascara, Her Eyes Cast Downward

She'd given herself the surname Emergency. She'd doff her proverbial cap, sneering "Yes Sir!" sarcastically. But she kissed boys she met at shows with such urgency... Her letters severed ties cruelly and drastically; Never one to be gentle, but always called nervously And grow excited in speech, elaborating fantastically. I guess my acceptance of life … Continue reading So Much Mascara, Her Eyes Cast Downward