
I can’t do it.

I can’t kick politics.

I have little to no hope that the U.S.’s political system can affect change in any useful manner.  I think political discourse in this country has all the weight of celebrity feuds or high school clique battles.  I think the majority of citizens, conservative or liberal, have no fucking clue what they’re talking about—no sense of history or historical context, no knowledge of political philosophy—and that they’re just flapping their gums out of self-righteousness and confusion. 

And while I do my bit of gum-flapping and often find myself confused and astounded, I do so within a context that is constantly developing.

Politics is a waste of time on one hand, and something that is completely unavoidable for me.  While the national stage is a farce, the reality of things—war and terrorism, poverty, an influential theocratic movement in the U.S., the continuing chant of “WE’RE NUMBER ONE!” here despite our clearly NOT being number one, except in blown opportunities, bombing the shit out of third world countries, and the ability of our richest people to outbid your richest people…these are things I cannot and will not shut my mouth about.  I can’t do it, though I want to.  Every day I hear a remark in passing, and it obsesses me, and I can’t shake it.  I can’t dismiss stupidity, ignorance, proselytization, manipulation, and the degradation of intellect and language.

I’m a citizen of this twisted little world, this insane moment in history.  My name is Jones, and I can’t shut my fucking mouth.

One thought on “Hooked

  1. I’m English and a woman and your language is tighter than mine. I wonder if you would like to read my blog, though?

    It’s quite intimate and personal in many places. I can’t even tell you what it is about, I’m confused today about how I feel about what I have called stalking. Some people are trying to present it to me as protection, in a way that makes me think I am wrong to see it that way and not be grateful.

    I’m also a Christian. I added satanism as one of my post tags because I have heard of satanist campaigns of this nature. That’s why I’m having a hard time today calling a government which might be trying to protect me stalkers.

    Unless that is the point, that we are ALL supposed to see the government that way, and that’s how I am SUPPOSED to feel, like everyone else is.

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